JLab JBuddies Studio Kids Wireless Headphones [EPP]

$49.00 Incl GST

  • 2 Years Warranty

Wireless kids headphones with 24+ hours playtime and new shared/wired mode

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The JBuddies Studio offer the ease of Bluetooth and versatility to go wired at school or while traveling. With a 24+ Hour battery life, JBuddies Studio provide all-day comfort for school or home with JLab’s on-ear Cloud Foam™ Cushions. Using Shareport, two kids can listen to their favorite music or watch a movie with the built-in together. Keep young ears safe with a volume regulator so the kids can listen to music 85db and below, perfect for sensitive and growing ears. Built in controls and microphone help kids go from wired to wireless quick and simple. No fuss necessary.


JBuddies offer safe-volume control through vigorous testing and built-in volume regulators, to ensure kids never rock out past 85db. Trust that young, sensitive ears aren’t damaged.


Now kids and teens can listen for up to 24 hours of Bluetooth playtime. Perfect for homework, traveling, or class. Simply connect through any Bluetooth device and they’ll stay focused or entertained for hours on end (and you can get things done too).


For easy kid-friendly use, all the controls are located on the bottom left earcup. Their little fingers will be able to play, pause, volume up or down, track forward and track back without any frustration.


With an on-ear design, comfy Eco Leather™ Cushions, and padded headband, the JBuddies offer all-day comfort for ages from grade school tykes to teens. They’ll be their favorite wearable accessory.


Built for all growing shapes and sizes, the smooth-sliding metal adjustments and feather-light build are ready to hit the road or use in class for ages 6-16. The plush circular ear cups rotate 80 degrees and fold up in the palm of your hand so they can fit snuggly in any backpack.


Plug into shareport to use the headphones on the plane or plugged into a computer – in case you run out of battery or your device doesn’t have a Bluetooth connection. The shareport is also great sharing an iPad – on a plane or at home – for two kids to listen to their favorite tunes or watch a movie. Hassle-free and more pleasant for the adults to manage – no more picking turns.




2 Years Local Warranty


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